Thursday, 25 July 2013

First Singer 306k Project – Sewing Machine Mat

 When I Started sewing I joined Pinterest to see if I could get any good ideas for projects with regards to sewing leather, and I came across a sewing machine mat that had pockets. 

Here is the link 

I had to make this as I am always losing my scissors, pens, rulers ect, so I had to make it as my 306k was marking my table.

I had to decide how to make it, and I remember my mom using a felt tablecloth when ever she got hers out, but I also remember that it was my job to pick all the bits of cotton up as it stuck. Not the best job, so it had to be easy to sweep all the bits up.  It also used to slip everywhere, so I knew I had to have some sort of non slip matting underneath, so I used the stuff you put under rugs, off the roll from Dunelm Mill.

So my plan was to use oil cloth on the top, 2 layers of cheep grey felt underneath and white non slip matting on the bottom.

My singer 306k dealt with it really well, but there was one problem, the feeder teeth would get stuck, so I had to help feed it through. My other issue was the lack of needle available. I ended up getting a pack of 14s from the USA for around £8 and a pack of 16s from Australia for roughly the same price.

Since I made it, it really hasn’t moved off the kitchen table, and it fits perfectly. The husband said that it would make a good baby changing mat! No chance.

It also make are really good cutting/pattern mat.

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